
never say never

i've watched alot of my friends fall off of the face of the earth when they get into relationships. heck, i went to a bible college, so i was kind of a pro at guessing the exact moment a friend might fall into the abyss. sometimes it was kind of irritating and although i understood, i always said that would never happen to me.

they say never to say never for a reason. i've recently fallen off the face of the earth and am spending a big majority of my spare (and studying) time with joe. now i do have to give myself some credit and remind myself that i am in grad school. and that this happens to be my last semester. if any of you have known anything about last semesters, they tend to be ridiculiouly chaotic. for example, i'm studying for the national counselors exam that's in april, looking for jobs, and well, all but one of my projects for the entire semester are due by the end of february. oh yeah, and i have a job and internship and classes to go to. it's pretty neat.

i do have to admit life has taken on a new focus. i am riding the trainer, and i plan to head to the trails a bit this weekend when i'm not doing homework, but i'm not quite as much of a workout-aholic as i used to be...which they tell me is a good thing. my focus has switched from keeping up with the boys on bike rides to this weird transition into grownuphood. though i hate that i won't be able to ride quite as much for a while as i would like, it's about time to get this crazy life of mine settled down a bit for the sanity of everyone concerned.

so get out there and ride for me friends! and think of me while i'm busy transitioning into grownuphood. it can't last forever right? :)


Unknown said...

FT job, marriage, 3 kids, and still cross-train like crazy. I think I just got better at multi-tasking.

Unknown said...

sam, maybe you can teach me :)