
sunflower state games and life events

well the death ride came and went, and i went to the sunflower state games in topeka instead :)

the day started out really well. i woke up feeling refreshed at 5:30am...and i have no idea how that happened! didn't need to drink any coffee, which was good because i know that's a major reason i cramp. and got to the race to find it hadn't rained there like we were worried about. problem is, we didn't quite get there early enough to do a full lap to warm up, and then i found my front break was rubbing pretty badly...not good. so, 10 minutes before race time, we had to do some maintenance...which was a great effort, but i ended up not having much of a front break at all...not good on those down hills i love :(

i was kinda frustrated about it at first, but decided just to enjoy the trail and go with it. my lap times were pretty long since i had to be so careful, but i still had fun, and, guess what??? i didn't crash or cramp! and hey, i got 2nd place!...out of 2! lol it was an awesome trail and an awesome day to ride! come to find out, jed had much worse problems than i did and actually broke his break about 20 minutes in during a crash, so i had to stop feeling sorry for myself for sure.

randy got 3rd, garret got 3rd, and my new bike buddy derek got 1st! aside from jed's unfortunate event, i think it was a prety productive day!

in news not related to bikes: i recently accepted a graduate assistantship position working on campus within bonner student leadership and i'm really excited about it! i leave wednesday for an all expenses paid trip to a conference in princeton, new jersey! if any of you remember, i used to do student council stuff in college and loved it, so this is right up my alley. and to top it off, this job pays for my tuition as well as a stipened each month. i'm pretty blessed, to say the least.

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