
ahh summertime

on my return from california, i hit the ground running. moved out to my uncle's wonderful log cabin in the country, started internship back up and work out at the outdoor pool.

the pool's been great...most of the time...sometimes i just wonder how some people function on a daily basis. and it's hot. but hey, the upside is that i'm getting acclimated to the heat so i can ride better right? and i do, however, have some great stories that come from that place. ie: a little girl today was named "tidley"...as in "tidley winks". seriously.

the problem with hitting the ground running in my life of cycling is that i usually do a bit too much...go figure. after doing not a whole lot of anything during my vacation, i for some reason jumped right back into spinning full force...and paid for it. so, my new mid-year resolution is to be better at recovering. i guess i can't continue to convince myself that a day of recovery is enough. haha therefore, i will give myself at least 2 straight recovery days each week. and yes, i'm saying this on my blog so i'm held accountable :)

one awesome thing i got to do when i got back was help out the the dirty kanza 200! we had 4 guys from the salsa team stay with us, so i got to play hostess. they kept thanking us, but seriously, they were the ones driving miles and miles to ride miles and miles...i wasn't the one doing the work! i got to do the dk lite (20 mile fun ride) and then go to all the stops for my uncle to take him food and encouragement. he wasn't planning on going more than the first leg (60 miles), but felt good and ended up killing about 140! i was proud of all the dk'ers and so happy to get to stand around and cheer them on. eric benjamin (the adventure monkey himself http://www.theadventuremonkey.com/blog/) was our only emporia finisher! he came in just before 2 am after starting at 6am. that man has some serious will power! good job eric! but really, all you dk'ers make me proud :)

i've recently decided to do something crazy myself. i'm planning on riding the flint hills death ride at the end of july. it's 70+miles in flint hills. and really, no one has ever died...i think they should call it the flint hills near death ride. therefore i've gotta start getting in some serious endurance miles. tomorrow the adventure monkey has graciously allowed me to tag along with him on his 60+mile training ride. i'm gonna make sure i know the route pretty well before we leave so he can take off and at least i won't get lost that way haha

wish me luck! until next time!

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