
If shoes could talk

Here we are again, blogging. I think there's something about being in school that causes me to blog...maybe it has something to do with procrastination...or needing to relax my brain but keep it alert...who knows. By the way, if you didn't know, I'm currently enrolled in grad school for Mental Health Counseling. It's pretty neat.

Driving along the road, every once in a while one will see a random shoe. Of course, there are often shoes tied to each other hanging from a power line...not those...but you know, just a shoe on the side of the road. I was discussing this with my friend Amy Welsh and the question came up: How do you lose just one shoe? What exactly is the process in it? Does a person just take one off and suddenly lose track of it? Or is it more of a lost in translation setting where shoes on the moving buddy system (ie: toys buddy system in Toy Story 2) get separated and can't catch up to one another? As intriguing as these thoughts are, I suppose we will never know the answers until we lose a shoe ourselves and are placed on the other side of our shoeless dilemma.